Art on the Road

Friday, 15 June 2012

Sailing and painting can be compatible!

We left for a week on our sailboat and I enjoyed painting on our cabin table while it rained alllllll day!

The rainbow and the evening skies were inspiring enough...

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Setting up my new computer

Finally, I made the move and bought a new computer which is 100% dedicated to art stuff: tutorials, paintings that inspire me, other artists's works, techniques, and of course it will have my music library. Very exciting...I am just setting it up and tomorrow, I will set in up in the studio!

J'ai finalement fait l'acquisition d'un nouvel ordinateur qui sera dédié à 100% à l'art visuel: vidéos sur les techniques, oeuvres d'art d'autres artistes que j'admire, textes qui m' une librairie de pièces musicales bien que j'aime souvent travailler dans le silence...